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The work on the topic of resources aims to capture aspects of support for families. Resources are understood here as education, time, money, networks, rights or space, for example.

The initial focus is on examining various conceptual understandings of the term resources and understanding their differences. Following this, the material from the sub-projects will be analyzed to see how the practices and discourses within families within families, through which resources for families are produced and made available, concretely manifest.

Relevant dimensions of resources, such as material, spatial, temporal, social, emotional, physical, economic, political, and legal aspects, will be explored. The central question is how resources are negotiated at various levels and what normative discourses are associated with them.

The exchange aims to develop a multifaceted approach to the concept of resources and to examine equality, inequality, as well as normalization and discrimination in the context of familial resources. The association seeks to understand how families manage resources, especially when they are limited, and to explore what new access models can be created.

Participating institutions