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Participating Institutions
Participating Members

Prof. Dr. Henriette Engelhardt-Wölfler
Principal Investigator
University of Bamberg

Doris Lüken-Klaßen
Co-Principal Investigator
State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg

Sarah Ali Mohamed
Research Assistant
University of Bamberg
Arrival has many facets.

Refugee Families

Arrival. Family Education and Counseling for Refugee Families
How do family support organizations react to the arrival of refugees? And how does migration alter intra-family dynamics? The “Arrival” project examines the diverse transformation processes of social institutions and refugee families over time.
(v. l. n. r.: D. Lüken-Klaßen, S. Ali Mohamed, H. Engelhardt-Wölfler)

With regard to the current migration of refugees to Germany, the integration of refugee families is of crucial importance – both for families themselves and for the society as a whole. Family education and counseling services can make a valuable contribution.

The “Arrival” project therefore examines the challenges and transformation processes in families and institutions: stressors and resources, negotiations, and adaptations of refugee families on the one hand and of professionals in family-supporting institutions on the other. It analyzes contexts and mechanisms of the diverse processes, investigates pitfalls and potentials of intercultural encounters and compiles explanations for stability and innovative strength.

Interdisciplinary qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) on transformation processes in families and institutions

The study implements a longitudinal mixed-method research design. The key focus is on iterative problem-centered interviews with professionals. Additionally, narrative interviews with refugee parents are conducted. These panel data are interlinked and evaluated using content, text and discourse analyses. The research project will be complemented by quantitative secondary and document analyses on refugees’ integration processes as well as challenges and solution strategies of the Bavarian family education and counseling.


Scientific Poster 06 Refugee Families

Participating Institutions